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The society in which the people with disabilities are not abused, the life of equality and freedom of the people with disabilities
Welcome and nice to meet you.
Thank you for visiting Kyungsangnam-do Advocacy Agency for Persons with Disability.

In various places of Korean society, although abuse of people living with disability has violated, it is only recognized as an approaching of social problem. Therefore, it has reached a dangerous level.

The amendment of the Welfare Act on People Living with Disability in 2015,
it was the not only the foundation for preventing from abuse of people living with disability, but also the establishment of the Advocacy Agency for Persons with Disability in order to help who they are unfairly the victimized.

Moreover, in accordance with Article 59-4-(2) of the Welfare Act on People Living with Disabilitywas a legal basis for advocacy and prevention of abuse of disability by the social workers and civil servants of social welfare who are likely to highly recognize on their duty as well as obliged to report.

Therefore, we will doour best to establish human right-friendly values and spread the culture in Korean society on the whole through securing rights, protection, and support for victimized disability as an advocate for our clients.

Thank you very much.
Kyungsangnam-do Advocacy Agency for Persons with Disability. We all.
The Key Activities of Kyungsangnam-do Advocacy Agency for Persons with Disability

Client Support for Disability’s Abuse
- Accept of reports, field surveys, first aids (emergency care, medical institution delivery) for disability abuse
- Establishment and operation of theabuse case judgement committee
- Counseling and follow-up of victimized people living with disability and their families
- Recovery support for victims
- Follow-up monitoring for prevention the recurrence of disability abuse

Establishment and Exchange of Cooperative System
- Establishment a close network and cooperate with related organizations
- Field survey and network for first aids
- Network for victim’s recovery and support

Education and Campaign of Publicity about Protection of Disability Abuse
Definition of Disability Abuse (Article 2-(3) of the Welfare Act on People Living with Disability)

“Abuse of people living with disability” means mental, emotional, verbal, sexual violence or cruel treatment. And it also means economic exploitation, abandonment or neglect of people living with disability.

Type of Abuse of Disability
Physical Abuse
Physical violence or cruel treatment
Emotional Abuse
Mental or emotional violence or cruel treatment in a verbal or nonverbal way
Sexual Abuse
Sexual violation or cruel treatment such as sexual harassment, sexual attack, and rape etc.
Economic Exploitation
Exploitation of labor, extortion of property including public benefits, damaging to property management or monetary transaction for people living with disability
Abandonment or Neglect
Abandons or neglects basic care or treatment for people living with disability
by a person with a duty of protection or supervision

Responsible Reporterthe Fields of Work (Article 59-4-(2) of the Welfare Act on People Living with Disability)
- Heads, staff, social welfare officers of social welfare facilities
- Heads and workers of the support organizations for the disability
- Heads and health workers of medical institutions
- Medical technician
- Emergency rescue
- Member of Emergency Medical Team
- Head of the Mental Health Welfare Center and its workers
- Head of the Nursery and its teachers
- Teachers and instructors of Early Childhood Education
- Teacher, professional counseling teacher, industry-academy adjunct teacher etc.
- Head of the academy and its teachers, and training school’s teacher
- Head/staff of the Sexual Violence Victim’s Counseling Center and Sexual Violence Victim’s Shelter
- Chief of the Prostitution Victim’s Counseling Center and its staff
- Head of the Domestic Violence Victim’s Shelter and its staff
- Head of the Healthy Families Support Center and its staff
- Head of the Multicultural Family Support Center and its staff
- Chief of the Family Assistance Support Center and its staff
- Head of the Single-Parent Family Welfare Center and its staff
- Head of the Youth Center/You Group Community and its staff
- Head of the Youth Protection and Rehabilitation Center and its staff
- Long-term Care Hospital/Nursing Home